Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reflection of Chinese history and how it links to my own reflection

1. You've been extremely exposed to the Chinese Culture, South American/Brazilian Culture, and the American Culture. Can you compare and contrast the 3 cultures? ....define your experience throughout all three of them... remember your age and the era you were there will influence how you feel about each place...
Also, tell me good things and bad things about each culture. Try not to be too bias, but be honest.

The first part of the history about me and then I had to reflecting back to tell you in and about my "perception" of China. It is not easy for me to tell you only from the time of my birth till today. Nevertheless, at least, for now, I have cleared some of the path, a long and agonizing path for the Chinese and China as a nation with all the humiliation and degradation forced upon them by the "powers" of the West. And now we can move on with the rest of the development.

Yes, I was born multi-culturally , even in the context of a nation called China, but its people, its many dialects - some 200 dialects and the vastness of the country had made China often hard to govern. But ever since the revolution of 1948 - my birth year. Yes, Mao Tse-Tung, the so called Communist Revolution he had created by way of Marxism and Leninism, where he had borrowed from then the ideology of the Soviet Union, with their revolution in 1917 to have overthrown the inept and decadent Romanovs of the Czarist Russia and ended the imperial era of Russia. Mao had rally the workers, the farmers in all remote regions of China for his revolution, at first, he tried to emulate the Soviets in the use of the city workers of Shanghai to have their uprising and failed. Mao had retreated to the country side and this is where he had gathered the support of the farm workers, opposing the landowners and to have followed Mao. Thus, Mao had learned from the Soviets of the revolution, but he had modified that by rallying his forces from the country side and eventually have the corrupted regime of KMT, or the nationalist party defeated. In that long struggle between the two Chinese parties, there was also the invasion of China by Japan. The two parties then had united for a period of time to fight the Japanese and later on, when Japan was defeated , the two party had gone back onto their struggle with one and the other -- and ultimately, Mao's party had since taken over with the majority of the Chinese, mostly poor peasants and their backing had defeated, the nationalist, or the KMT of Chiang, with overwhelming funds and arms and the support of the US and due to corruption and incompetence --the KMT had finally retreated into the island of Fomosa -"famous" in Portuguese and remains there till today.

My father had his reason not to be with either party. He had gone to school with all these men who were then divided by the Chinese civil war. We were considered land owners, with the rise of the communists, by the turn of the events, our family could have been implicated or would have been purged or harassed by the low rank and files of the revolution. Often, made with peasants who were more into revenge or personal persecution. Father had never mentioned much about the rights or wrongs of either party. I can only interpret his neutrality is also in his own way -- his respect for both parties and he had accepted the fate and the change of China -- be that Mao or Chiang.

Yes, economically, he had lost his company and other trade offices in Shanghai and in 1949, the entire family were moving out of Shanghai, and into Hong Kong. However, because Hong Kong basically is also part of Canton (now Guandong in the proper way in the pronunciation of mandarin, or Putonghua) and since my paternal grandmother had found it difficult to the language, she wanted to move back to Shanghai -- and I then had followed back with my grandmother as an infant. Why? Because, Peter, his Christian name, was born a year ahead of me and on that account, my mother was having difficult time to have enough milk for both of us. By my grandmother's suggestion, they have sent me back to Shanghai where there was this "wet nurse". (Imagine that, this lady had to give up her own milk to her kid, instead to have her child being fed with animal milk or other substitute just so I can be fed). And then that was my fate, where I have remained in China till 1952, or at age four. My mother demanded to have me come to Hong Kong and to join the family. It was already a high order with tremendous hazard to have me brought from Shanghai first to Guandong province and later, to have me smuggled into Macao - the Portuguese colony, and at that juncture, even the borders were porous, with documents that were not complete, to have a child to be brought from China into Macao was no easy ordeal. Mother managed to have me brought to Macao. And I remember vividly that I was at an age where I was taught to sing the Chinese Communist song "The East is turning red ..and the sun is rising". Basically a song was create to praise Mao. And a song like that is a clear sign of a "commie youngster" . My mother had already managed the tough task to have me smuggled accross the Chinese/Macao border. Now the next task is to have me going over with her to HK, from the Portuguese enclave to now the English --- a three hour boat trip where like all youngster I continued on to sing the "East is red.." Then mother had a great idea, just to prevent me doing the same with such song, a clear sign that I will be notified by the border agents that I was raised from mainland China. Mother had stuffed my mouth continuously with chocolate upon the crossing of the custom inspection. By me, as always, in retrospect, I thought that was one of the many brilliant maneuvers of my mother. My mother had not much of schooling, but in her household, I later had found that, there are trainings and teachings that are beyond school. By my maternal grandfather's status as a magistrate -- in those days,the Chinese followed that Confucian code, where the statement had said " A woman without education is most virtuous". On that note, many women then were kept away from schooling, however, in order for them to be wed, many of them had their mentors and tutors in house. In other words, not many of them were illiterate or uneducated. They were educated in such a way to stay subservient to their husband - at least, in gesture. Yes, the richness of the Chinese culture is beyond any few words and lines -- because , the collective way to say about China and Chinese today is very, very broad and very very rich.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Cross Cultural Journey

1. You've been extremely exposed to the Chinese Culture, South American/Brazilian Culture, and the American Culture. Can you compare and contrast the 3 cultures? ....define your experience throughout all three of them... remember your age and the era you were there will influence how you feel about each place...
Also, tell me good things and bad things about each culture. Try not to be too bias, but be honest.

Well, in my writing and in what I am focusing now about Cross Cultural studies, the question you have raised is very broad and it will not be easy to answer them all, in the way I feel about the collective experience. But I will try my best to give you some bits and pieces. As we have shared much in my development with "Think-link" and in how I have emphasized in how we think of our lives in forms and in shapes. I will then take to the shape of round to represent my perception of life, about my culture/s and my engagement with my cultures that have been forever rich and continue to be enriching. As one get older, we become to become a much better alchemist and with more ingredients add to the "cauldron". So, remember well of the ideas of the ROUND, or SPHERICAL shapes are the only forms that I can integrate, or interface with my exposure with the many global cultures.

First and foremost, cultures are dynamic and never static and cultures do change and cultures also has a great deal of exchanges, knowingly or not, we are all have become very cross cultural in our day to day lives. And when we talk about cultures we have to first give the audience of the "Atmosphere" or the ambiance to get the point across. As in your case or our case. You were born and raised in Williams Bay, WI and then we know what that environment is like. And you have changed from Williams Bay now to Chicago. There now you have a city culture and your senses are different than when you are in the village of Williams Bay.

Since your return from Brazil and your "food" culture has changed, you have started to embrace and become almost a vegetarian, for better health and also that compliments your outlook in life. Thus, I am merely highlighting the changes of ones food and diet culture , along with your now added linguistic culture, from English, some Spanish to the greater fluency of Portuguese. This is merely the way I look at that we have to foster change for the improvement of our lives and the lives of those who we co-exist. With that said, I will try to answer you the best I know how.

Yes, I was born in Shanghai, China in 1948. In a household where my dad was originally from Zhejiang, Zhejiang province is the state immediately next to the city of Shanghai, a province extremely rich in history and where also known to be one of the most ancient tribes of China and immediately next to the center of the silk culture - or Suzhou. Your grandmother is from Guanxi province, the state next to Guangzhou, and according to her, her family is from near the city named Punyu. Her father was in the rank of a magistrate during the Qing dynasty and her family were sent there by the courts. Thus, most immediately, in that immediate household, both of your grand mother and grandfather have already both speaking more than just one of their native dialects -- and the common language then was called Mandarin, in today's official language in China is called Putonhua -- meaning, general tongue. or general say. In that same house, we have servants and indeed, many have come from also the other provinces as from Jiangsu, the province immediately north of Zhejiang on the banks of the River Yangtze. Zhejiang in the south side of the river and Jiangsu is immediately to the north as the mouth runs off to the sea eastward and that is where Shanghai is located. "Shang" meaning upper --- and "hai" means the sea. And because of the grandfather's business, we do have servants and cooks and chauffeurs and also, in that entire collage of people, there were many dialects were spoken. I trust that my wet nurse, the lady who fed me with her breast milk was a native from Shanghai and they have a very distinct dialect that I can fully understand, but can handle maybe 70%, but both of sisters and half brothers were all fluent because Shanghai become one of the longest stay for many of them. And at the same time, we all speak Cantonese. Amongst other possible dialects that were spoken in that same house, were Sichuan, literally translate that into "four streams" or "four rivers'. And their tongue come very close to the native tongue from Guanxi, in fact, your grandmother's "mandarin" were spoken with her Guanxi accent. I credit of my command of the many languages today from the hearing and listening and talking of all the dialects openly spoken in that household in Shanghai, in the French concession of Shanghai.

As you know, your grandfather was schooled in France and that had added to his linguistic portfolio and that influence of a very nasal language come also very close to the nasal intonation of the dialect of Shanghai.

Geographically and also politically, in 1948, the government of KMT, or Kuo Ming Tang, this translation was in the old vernacular of Cantonese, it meant to be the Nationalist Party, commanded by then Chiang Kai-Shek, his name is also in Cantonese -- it shows the mixture of a no unified Chinese language then. Chiang Kai-Shek, by my count was corrupted, was an American puppet and he was "rightfully" defeated by Mao Tse Tung, the communist party leader and who had won over the Chiang's regime and had forced Chiang to fled to the island Taiwan. Thus, there are the two China today. Just like the two Korea, the two Germany and the two Vietnam ..etc.

Again, cross cultural speaking, there are the two cultures - The communist party and the Nationalist party and yes, there are two cultures, political cultures.

My family have the many contacts, friends, business associates from or belonged or joined both parties. This painful civil war is where it was like Spain as one example, it had divided families from father to sons, and cousins and relatives that both had gone into the two separate political entities. In retrospect and in review of the history, Mao was the rightful winner and the leader. He had rallied the poor from the farms, from the factories and had led them away from then the feudal states. And before this civil war of the two parties, in the past one hundred plus years. China was abused, cheated and raped and destroyed by 11 international nations, who had looted not only the most precious collections of China that are all visible in all the global museums and burned down the best known a cultural relic of China, the Summer Palace in Beijing. At the same time, these foreign nations had looted also one of the richest Chinese relics located in western desert called Dunhuang caverns, literally, thousands upon thousands of volumes have been taken away by the Americans, the English, the French, the Russians and the Japanese -- all have been taken out not in one time, or one period, but over a period of twenty years or more of the on going stealing, hammering, chiseling out of the painted walls and sent back to Europe.

The Rape of China have all been started with one of the most tragic events in human history, in part it was at a time where China herself was far from being a nation, or a nation of a heterogeneous society. There have been two periods and two separate dynasties in China, China herself was ruled by the invaded Mongols, Mongols from the Western part of China near the Gobi desert. The best known of the Genghis Khan, and his son, Kublai Khan, as you can associate these emperors, nomads and tough warriors had ruled China in the dynasty called Yuan --- This is part of the cross-cultural China where the nomadic herds of the Mongols had become Chinese and have adapted all of the languages and court rules and procedures in the writing of the Han Chinese. We are the Han Chinese who are the 90% of the Chinese culture with a history dating back 5 thousand years and with the on going recorded history exceeding 3 thousand years. From the Yuan dynasty in the late 1400s, came next the best known of Ming dynasty. Yes, the Han had taken over the Mongol rulers. And the rise of the prominence of Ming had ruled over 200 plus years, where the known history of Ming were many, such as the Muslim Eunuch, by the name of Zhenghe had traveled to as far as to the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf and have visited all of East Africa. New records have indications that Zhenghe might have gone all the way to the Americas -- and this is where I am and I have shared much with the English author, Gavin Menzies with his two books written about Zhenghe, "1421, the year China had discovered America", where I have been in and out of the Amazons, and into Bahia and even into the Amazons --- all the way to Central America just to find and trace a couple of "possibilities" and more about my linguistic exploration into the Amazon with the 36 tribes in the Upper Rio Negro region -- and that one common language called Nheengatu - a common language created by the Jesuits - Anchieta in the combination of the two basic tongues of Tupi and Guarani. We will continue to explore of that viability or possibility of Zhenghe, in and around 1421 who had gone into the Americas when these voyagers had turned around from the Cape. Cape of Good hope.

As you may and may not know, Pedro Alvarez Gabral had found Brazil accidentally by his discourse coming out of Africa, drifted southwest from the known Cape current and got into Brazil in 1500. Eight years ago, Christopher Columbus had landed into Espanola (Today's Haiti and Dominican Republic) . The rest of the voyages of Magalhaes, or Magellan who had gone through the South Pole and went toward Asia was one of the first direct routing from the Americas to Asia. And since then, or since 1500, the trade of the Americas had began more with Asia than ever. To give you one of the perspective, where before the European had their sea routes reaching Asia. The journeys of the Polos, Marco Polo and one other Moorish, Arabic traveler who had gone to China and back was Ibn Battuta. By their description of then Cathay -- China. China was one of the wealthiest sovereign in the planet. In and between the discovery of the Americas, the Spanish had exported close to 228 million kilograms of silver from the Americas to China. 228 million kilograms of silver, translates into 280 million tons of silver. (in 2009 estimate of the silver cost @ 14.00 an ounce, it comes close to 300 trillion dollar in value). Indeed, by this record, China was indeed one of the wealthiest nation on earth and had been created not be force, or unlike the Europeans, China's accumulation of silver by trade came via two sources, first, by silk, yes, the first world "green industry", and second "green and natural industry" was by tea ---- Just imagine, "tea" was one of the real reasons that had cause the most humiliating and one of the longest period of history of China, a period of total humiliation, total degradation and with all the 228 tons of silver and the rest of the wealth all have been taken out by one drug -- OPIUM. Opium, secretively planted by a few families of the Jews from Palestine and Baghdad, in then India, today's Bangladesh was the plan made out by the European bankers by the name of Rothschild, five families located in England (The Bank of England), Holland, Austria, Italy and France had their grand plan to mobilize the one major family name Sassoon, coming out of Baghdad, then into India, or the colonial British India, in collaboration with the Rothschilds of England, Bank of England and also owner of then the most powerful trading company by the name of East India Company who had done all the transports and the conduit of the human drug trade - to have sold opium to China to the Chinese just so to created the trade and the attempt to retrieve the silvers the English had drained their own reserves bordering into bankruptcy.

China at that time was also most susceptible to the use of opium and here are the two reasons. First, in the southern regions of China, due to the distance from the court of the rules, then the Qing, yes, another invading tribe coming down from present day Manchuria. Who had gotten into the tail end of the other "corrupted" Ming rulers. The Mancunians were expert horseman with the good use of bow and arrows, they have already been well versed in the Han language for they were ruled also under the strong military posts in their region. They have managed to become a strong force by their own development of the so called "eight color flag" system and the system of command and mobility of their own military and the mass. They have developed a written language in the use of the Mongolian written language and have built their alliances with the Mongols by way of marriage and the network of kinship. In the early sixteen hundred , they have marching inside the great wall and taken over the Ming rulers and had named their own dynasty of "Qing" , it means clear with the link of water-- based on their own astrological study and Shamanism -- then, the dynasty had begun with the Chinese traditional Han character.

However, toward the end of the Qing dynasty, due to in fighting of the cousins, and the brothers, the Qing rulers had become weaken by their own with the rise of the most powerful empress Cixi, or Dowagger, The Qing empire was heading toward the end, by corruption and by the chaos and the lack of real rule of law.

It is under such sets of circumstances, the entry of the Opium become most attractive to the Chinese. The other cultural aspect of that was -- that in the Chinese traditional, the wealth of a family often goes first to the first born by the first wife. And that was the rigid rule. The son wife often had to be going through a very rigorous checks and inspections to make certain that this wife will have be be able to bear the family the healthy son for the future generations. In short, most of the women they family selected were generally plumb and not attractive, not even to the spouse. By my own psychological, cross cultural analysis. This move is where by not having the sort of woman of beauty which calls for attention and to avoid the potential troubles , where if the wife is less charming or in looks, there will be less trouble and the woman will also be most obedient to not only her husband, but the living parents. It is a pecking order and a system of control and manipulation. Subsequently, or generally, the man then often can select his second, or third wife/s as concubines and to his own pleasure and leisure. In so doing, the man will be content at the house and without going out to the spots like brothel, where he can be contracting diseases , and worse, the gambling house, where his or the family entire fortune can be at stake. Such was the arrangement for the FIRST BORN. Thus, the drug like opium had found its niche --- as opium the "tranquilizer" and the perfect drug to keep most of the men and later women of wealth to stay home and turning most of them with total docility.

The opium, by the import of the Jewish merchants, predominantly and later on had the participation of the Jardine and Mathewson s from Scotland, plus others , including prominent American families like the Roosevelt/Delano and at the end, opium and the trade of opium had turned China into the total ruination of China plus the 150 years of total humiliation of all Chinese. First, the sales of opium had triggered more merchants, who were in use of the opium profits and turned them back into merchandise, and with more arrivals of the Europeans for either opium import and then more Chinese goods to be sent to Europe and other colonies. It also then have the arrivals of the religious, making almost the same demand as the rest of the European and predominantly English merchant -- ethnic Jewish merchants and most of them were funded by the Bank of England -- The Rothschilds.

Jen, do you own wikipedia or Google check by typing "Opium War'. As you will see, where China had began to loose greater control by the various inequality treaties forced upon the Chinese, along with the massive amount of the Western religious and missionaries wanting in part to have a piece of China and others, wanting to convert Chinese by force to find salvation. While there are the many versions of the many reasons for the Opium War. But one of the most important part of it all -- it was the colonialism of the English by demanding the Chinese to grant them the "maritime" right to have ships anchor along the Chinese shores to conduct business -- and one of the business was opium, totally prohibited then by the Qing court. But corruption was so rampant that the Qing rulers have not enough forces to monitor the activities of these Jew merchants. And subsequently, when one of the Chinese admirals from Guangzhou had commanded the seizure of the illegal drugs and have all the confiscated opium to be set on fire and burned. Immediately , England had used such excuse and began their wars against Chinese. While Chinese in the south were literally winning against the English naval forces. But due the corruption of the Qing (Manchurian court), instead, they sent messengers to plead for peace instead and it began the sad saga in all of the inequality treaty here China had to cede Hong Kong to the English and the Kowloon become a hundred years lease from China to the English.

China continued to decline and invaded more and more by foreign forces, ceding and giving away silver in the tons to the Germans, the French, the Russians, the Japanese, Austria and all the more set up ports and demanding concessions to grant them to have military garrisons and to be abstain to any rules and laws of commerce -- directly on Chinese soil. Where in Shanghai, parks and public locales have been taken over by the British, by the French with signs written "Chinese and dogs are not allowed".

The Opium War had totally damaged the entire Qing empire and had cause more if not greater than the total ruination of two generation of the Chinese intelligentsia.

The most obvious is that, both cities of Hong Kong and Shanghai were literally built by opium money and by most of them Jewish merchants linked to the Rothschild empire. And by my account, this also have given the seed money for the Rothschild the "seed money" for the next two hundred of the global war industry and the future of the English/American post colonialism but to be ruled and influenced by the military industrial complex that had barely ended in our time today -- Maybe the bombing of New York-- 9/11 by Osama Bin Laden may be the good demarcation toward the end of the era of the American "MIC " .